Using SEO Keywords

BrandShare Admin February 8, 2023 No Comments

Using SEO Keywords

What are SEO Keywords

Keywords help your website or page become found on a search engine. Keywords work by telling the search engine, and the bots that crawl the site, what the page is about. There are a variety of strategic ways to use SEO keywords within the content of the website. Firstly, an exact keyword search phrase, or (keyphrase), should be repeated. A keyphrase is usually an exact one to four words. The frequency the keyword should appear on the page is dependent upon a few factors. How many words your article, for example, consists of is the main method of counting the quantity of your keyphrase. A typical, short blog should contain at least 300 words. If the page consists of 300 words, then the keyphrase should appear approximately 3-4 times. Furthermore, the keyphrase should also appear in the SEO title, page metadata, two header tags, and the alt tag of at least one image. However, it’s also important to spread out the SEO keywords evenly throughout the content.

How to Choose SEO Keywords

Additionally, there is also a strategy to choosing which words to use. A good keyword phrase is commonly searched for, yet has little competition. To elaborate, the phrase should be searched several thousand times a month in a large city or small country to turn up decent results. Useful tools for researching keywords include Google Trends and the keyword planner on the Google AdWords dashboard. If for example, the business is a hairdresser, it would be beneficial to use trending words like a new hairstyle. A trending word doesn’t have a long history of uses in other websites, meaning a low competition, plus it usually has high search results. The keyword should also reflect the main subject of your website. Relevancy is increasingly important for a positive SEO value, especially for Google. Google is consistently naturalizing their methods for determine a website relevant to a user’s search. In the past, one could throw in an abundance of SEO keywords, unnaturally hidden somewhere on the webpage. These sneaky tactics no longer work, and now naturally, well-written content is the key.

Creating Keywords on KiShares

Creating a post on KiShares allows you to enter SEO keywords that KiShares will automatically make relevant to your post. In addition, it will generate backlinks both by sharing your post across multiple social media pages, and also connecting your business, brand, or product to others’ in the KiShares community. The idea is to create a community in which we are all partners, boosting each other’s value. This can now be achieved programmatically.

Categories : SEO